Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stories of Great Writers

So, while rereading (for the millionth time), Melissa Anelli's 'Harry, A History', I thought about the ultimate question.

What makes a good writer?

Surely the story of J.K. Rowling, if you haven't heard it already, is a wonderful one. It's a real-live fairy tale.

I can't do the story justice like Melissa Anelli (who runs one of the top Harry Potter fansites, the Leaky Cauldron), can. She has personally met J.K. Rowling, something I can only dream of (and have. Many times).

Harry Potter, the series that transformed a poor single mother to a billionaire, started because J.K. Rowling forgot a pen.

So her brain just kept going.

I've found that's the best way to write, too.

If I let my mind wander, then I'll of course have more ideas.

So yeah.

I'm gonna go. Bye.

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